St Silas Church, Blackburn
Worshipping Together
Contact Us
Singing Carols at Christimas
Why Come to Church?
In my Father's house are many rooms John 14: 2
There are many reasons you may find yourself in a church. It may be to celebrate a special occasion, to give thanks for the life of a loved one, to be reminded of Christian festivals such as Easter and Christmas or for some quiet time to reflect on matters important to you.
As Christians we gather regularly to pray, study the Bible and worship together to help us to learn how to live out God's teachings in the world and bless those around us by serving in our community through prayer, pastoral care and social action.
The 'house' Jesus talks about is an image of God's love for us. Just as the church is not a building, but the people who gather to worship and serve God, so God's love for us is bigger than any building. All are made to feel welcome.
How can I find out more about the Christian Faith?
We understand taking the first step can be the hardest. You are very welcome to come to any of our services. You may find coming to the mid-week services a good place to start to get to know people,or come to one of our or small group meetings.
If you are not familiar with who Jesus was why not take a moment to watch the short YouTube clip showing his life.
What happens during a service?
No two services are alike. Our regular Sunday services follow the Church of England's service pattern for communion services. The 9am is a said traditional service.
10.30am parish communion is an upbeat service for families. Our choir leads the congregation in our songs/hymns accompanied by the organ. There are readings from the Bible followed by a talk by the vicar or leader related to the readings. Prayers are said for people and places in need around our community and world. We remember Jesus's final meal with his friends and his offering of himself to reunite us with God through the giving and receiving of communion. After the service there are refreshments and time for people to talk to one another. You will be given a warm welcome.
There is Evening Prayer at 6pm on Sundays.
Our mid-week 10am Tuesday service is a BCP (Book of Common Prayer) communion service followed by coffee and biscuits.
Our small Gateway Group meets for an informal time of worship and bible study on the fist and third Wednesdays of the month at 7pm in church.
Most of all, relax and enjoy whichever service you come to. We want you to feel at home in God's presence.
Look out for news of special services on our home page.