St Silas Church, Blackburn
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Weekly Sunday Worship
Said Communion 9am
Parish Communion 10.30am.
Tuesday 10am
St Silas Church serves the Anglican Parish of St Silas covering Witton, Beardwood and Preston New Road down to Corporation Park. As far west a the Clog & Billycock.
Although the church of St Silas was consecrated in 1900 there has been a christian presence in the area since the early 1800s. You can find out more about our history on the Our Church page.
If you are new to the area or to church there is information about us, what we do and why along with service times, how to we can help you celebrate life big events – baptism & weddings - and support you in times of difficulty.
We look forward to meeting you.
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Contact Us
For all enquiries please email us.